3 Common Diabetes Related Eye Problems
When your vision blurs, it’s easy to think that all you have to do is choose eyeglasses frames that fit you to a tee and have it furnished with prescription lenses. This is true if your condition is related to your eyes’ focus but some eye problems are rooted in other long standing diseases like diabetes. Diabetes is a disease where sugar levels in the blood is too high because of a lack of insulin. Having too much sugar in the blood causes serious problems to the rest of your body including your heart, kidneys, nerves, and eyes. Below are the most common eye problems that may occur with escalating diabetes. Vision Blurring Right off the bat, it’s important to raise awareness that vision blurring isn’t always caused by refractive error such as astigmatism or near/farsightedness. Diabetes is a disorder that affects many body parts and that includes the eyes. Vision blurring caused by diabetes is more specifically diabetic retinopathy and you can’t correct it with just a pair...